Bus Stop:
Buses en-route:
- 11 minutes,1.2 miles away Vehicle 367
- 17 minutes,1.7 miles away, ~10 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 749
- 31 minutes,3.0 miles away, ~13 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 774
- 0 minutes,at stop, ~29 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 7231
- 32 minutes,3.2 miles away, ~12 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9509
- 46 minutes,4.8 miles away Vehicle 7526
Service Alert:
- Southbound B43 stop on Empire Blvd at Bedford Ave is closed
For service, use stops on Empire Blvd at Rogers Ave or on Washington Ave at Empire Blvd. (see map)
What's happening?
Building construction
Note: Real-time tracking on BusTime may be inaccurate in the service change area - The 1:07pm B57 to BEARD ST/OTSEGO ST is canceled
- The 10:37am B57 to BEARD ST/OTSEGO ST is canceled
- The 1:54pm B43 to BOX ST/MANHATTAN AV is canceled