Bus Stop:
5 AV/W 14 ST
Buses en-route:
- 7 minutes,1.5 miles away, ~5 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9562
- 15 minutes,2.8 miles away, ~10 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9465
- 25 minutes,4.7 miles away, ~14 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9587
- 12 minutes,2.3 miles away, ~1 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9593
- 27 minutes,5.2 miles away Vehicle 4664
- 39 minutes,6.4 miles away, ~5 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9440
- 13 minutes,2.3 miles away, ~14 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9844
- 29 minutes,5.2 miles away, ~11 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9616
- 39 minutes,6.3 miles away, ~7 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 9418
- 14 minutes,1.9 miles away (+ layover, scheduled to depart terminal at 8:20 AM) Vehicle 9665
- 33 minutes,3.4 miles away (+ layover, scheduled to depart terminal at 8:40 AM) Vehicle 9683
Service Alert:
- No M55 service on 5th Ave and 6th Ave between W 32nd St and W 44th St
The last stop northbound stop is 6th Ave at W 31st St.
The first southbound stop is 5th Ave at W 31st St.
Northbound missed stops:
Along 6th Ave from W 34th St to W 42nd St
W 44th St at 6th Ave
Southbound missed stops:
W 44th St at 6th Ave
Along 5th Ave from W 41st St to W 33rd St
What's happening?
NYRR Dash to the Finish Line 5k