Bus Stop:
18 AV/77 ST
Buses en-route:
- 21 minutes,2.6 miles away, ~3 passengers on vehicle Vehicle 781
- 31 minutes,3.4 miles away (at terminal, scheduled to depart at 10:25 AM) Vehicle 389
- 39 minutes,3.3 miles away (at terminal, scheduled to depart at 10:37 AM) Vehicle 415
Service Alert:
- The 11:00am B8 to 4 AV/95 ST is canceled
- Eastbound B8 stop on 18th Ave at 53rd St is closed; please use nearby stops on 18th Ave at 55th St or 50th St.
See a map of the stops.
What's happening?
18th Avenue Bridge maintenance and rehabilitation
Note: Real-time tracking on BusTime may be inaccurate in the service change area - The 11:01am B8 to ROCKAWAY AV/HEGEMAN AV is canceled